The Handyband Collective is a home improvement and repair service company owned and operated by local music and entertainment professionals. When they’re not on tour or recording their next album, Austin’s musicians need additional work to supplement their careers. The Handyband Collective pairs musicians with trade skills and local homeowners in need of repairs.

"This was literally how I survived when I was a full-time musician. We have a unique opportunity to help homeowners get reliable and service-focused solutions for their small-scale home repair needs. Help us set the standard for Handypeople everywhere!" 

- Founder True Lawton


Support the music industry with your Honey-Do list!


Final Fox SAA Handoff 3


To create income diversity and meaningful work for musicians and creative industry workers alike, while providing homeowners with reliable solutions for their small-scale maintenance and construction projects.


Our clients transform their homes, buildings, and maintenance projects using the creative power of artists and artisans in their community and our communities' artists thrive because they have financial stability in their lives.


Our customers define quality, and we work for our customers. Nothing works without them.

We’re honest, even if it stings!

We do better work, not just good work.

We pay the market rate for the people doing the work and value them as much as the person paying for the work being done!

We inform before we perform.

We give space for everyone to play together in concert.

Request a gig today!

Fill out the form and we'll be in touch shortly.


  • Oct 31, 2022


    When True Lawton, Austin Concert and Events Producer, lost his regular gig during the 2020 Pandemic he went back to doing handyman work to help his family survive.

  • Oct 31, 2022

    November 2020

    The Handyband Collective was born as True realized the need for a reliable solution to homeowners' small-scale repairs was seemingly endless and the need for better financial diversification within the music industry (and other Arts industries) was at a critical point as well.

  • Oct 31, 2022

    January 2021

    The company officially started business in January of 2021 with its “GIVE and GET” merch drive.  The local Austin community and The Handyband was able to give around 75 hooded sweatshirts to children in the Salvation Armies Women and Family shelters on the day before “Snovid ‘21” fell upon Austin, TX