Custom gigs


Welcome to the Custom Estimates portal! In order to rock out your gig we need some information and in this case more is more and we love it! Measurements, photos, photos with tape measures, links to items– yes! The more info we have the faster and more accurate we can be with your estimate. 


Great Custom Estimates: Replacing  your entire deck, new door installation, painting every room in your home a different color of the rainbow, installing a new fence, designing and building the film set to your new horror movie: I Had Stew with Christopher Walken Last Summer, And It Was Weird.

NOT Great Custom Estimates: Changing out the locks of your door, swapping an old fan for a new fan, patching some nail holes, hanging pictures and shelves, caulking a few seams, replacing a short piece of damaged trim, getting help with the family of possums living in my attic (they're demanding Christmas presents now), or cleaning your gutters.