Quick gigs


Welcome to Quick Gigs! In order to get your gig rolling we’re going to need some basic details. Please remember, you are requesting the “old school” Handyperson service, which means we’re going to prioritize speed over details.


GREAT Quick Gigs: Small patch ‘n paint jobs, hanging pictures and shelves, caulking a few seams, replace a short piece of damaged trim, need someone to disconnect home alarm (it happened), someone to hold your hand while you cry into your coffee blasting “So Lonely” by the Police… we get it, and we can help with this.

NOT so great Quick Gigs: Replacing  your entire deck, new door installation, painting like every room in your house alternating pepto pink and carolina blue, designing and building your very own Cathedral of Junk. Change your mind? No big deal, just fill out our custom quote form instead.